Our school

On this website we want to give you an idea of ​​our school, show the way we work, the attention we pay to main subjects and special activities, the latest news and give practical information to parents. 
Primary school 't Palet forms with partner 
Korein Speelleercentrum Boschdijk.
If you have any questions or comments, you can always contact us or just drop by.

Current possibilities for the placement of new pupils (14-09-2023) -
Given our maximum group size (25 students), we can no longer place children in the following grades for school year 2023-2024: 1-2, 7 & 8.
Children who are registered for the relevant school years are placed on a waiting list. The school will tell you where your child is on the waiting list. -
For more information about the hiring policy and registration procedure, see this page.

In our school:

- We are proud of providing education to a beautiful reflection of the Eindhoven population and find it important to pay attention to global citizenship and 21st Century skills. 
- We value (social) security, self-confidence, autonomy and respect of all involved 
- We collaborate with a lot of (educational) partners in the school district
- We collaborate with a lot of weekly volunteers in an after school program (vocabulary, sports, music)
- We value good colloboration with the partners in the SPIL Center 
- We participate as Aspirant Brainport school 
- For every student (group 4-8) we provide an Chromebook and Prowise Go & Google Classroom account/environment to enrich our educational process using ICT as a tool in our curriculum. Oure students will be able to use the Chromebook in some classes and projects. 
- We value sustainability and (taking care of) the world around us. We participate in projects and will even desing, plant and adopt a Tiny Forest (in the school district) is school year. 

If you are considering registering your child at primary school 't Palet, we recommend you to make an appointment with the school board by calling 040-2359241 of fill in the appointment form (Dutch). 
The board will take extensive time to inform you about the course of events at our school and te enrollment of your child while guiding you through our school. Of course you also get the opportunity to ask questions. 

You can translate the website in English by pressing the 'translate' button at the bottom left. 

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